I was going to do a blog on how to change a diaper while drinking a beer, doing a handstand, and wearing a skirt. But, I realized what a cool video that would be. I could be the next YouTube sensation. Millions of people would be impressed by my amazing talents. I would be rich.
Then FlyNavy pointed out that I was male, and real men don't wear skirts. I was going to change the skirt to an apron. Like the ones that guys grill in or chefs wear. But, I don't have one. As a matter of fact. I have never seen a guy grilling in one in real life, not in a restaurant, and not on TV.
MaeMae suggested I wear a kilt. It would be fitting to my Irish/Scottish heritage. I have a right to wear a kilt, I thought. And I would, if I had one. It seems as the only thing I actually had was one of my wife's skirts. What if she saw me?.... awkward!
Then it occurred to me, if I was doing all those things, how was I going to hold the camera? I don't have a tripod. I really think I do, it just got lost in the move 2 years ago. You can't lay the camera on the floor an catch something so "spectacular" as that. And that whole books on a table thing only works for family photos.
I really had to start looking at all the other variables...
1. The only diaper wearing child I have is my almost 2 year old that would only sit still for me if I hit him with an elephant tranquilizer.
2. I could actually spill the beer. Nuff said.
3. A handstand...... maybe if a crane had me by the ankles. (If you believe my body really looks like the pictures to the right, I have two words for you...... photo shop)
4. I am not buying an apron or kilt just to do a video. These are rough economic times people. I can only afford a thong. Kind of an awkward place to put "Kiss the Cook".
So really, I cannot deliver the "awesome feat" that I wanted to, at this present time. Maybe I will start a diaper, beer, handstand, apron training regiment soon. Don't be too surprised when that picture shows up on the blog.
A man can dream, can't he?
Your Cousin,
P.S. Didn't think I would actually do a blog about that stuff, did you. Well, me neither. Oh, always making me mother proud.
Glad u re-thought that training operation. Done a few too many keg stands in my lifetime & changed gazillion of diapers & the thought of throwing in the rest of the variables just made me break out in a cold sweat. [it passed after a tall cold 1 or 4]. There r alot of things in life that should be done 1 @ a time.
& fyi, own a coupla of blackwatch kilts, & you're welcome to borrow 1, but pretty sure if u read the instructions of the proper lack of skivie wearin, that headstands could xpose parts that could get us arrested.
Glad to see u back @ the helm buddy. Life goes on.
your body doesn't look like the pictures to the right?? not even the yoga shot? ... I feel cheated.
even so, I think that if we all band together we can get the job done. I'll send you an apron and some elephant tranquilizer. Mr. FlyNavy can lend a kilt. (it may be wise to double up with the apron and kilt). All we need is to find a tripod OR a cameraman.
Oh and I bet you could get June to supply some beer. So all you rly need is to supply your own kid and diapers.
...still need a crane too, i almost forgot about the handstand.
Ha Ha Ha! Looks like I am running out of excuses!
Oh my gosh! Look over there! It's an elephant!
(as you guys look for the elephant, I run the other direction)
That's right, I am also a master of diversion.
Found my kegstand pics [& they're were alot, go figure] so good to go, pro @ the 1 handed dookie diaper changing, & maybe after a few keggers I might try the kilt headstand. Miss Cleaver needs to be standing by jic I tip too far norte.....now whaddau want me to do with this here elephant. [PETA-No elephants were harmed in the writing of this note.][I fall for the look over there shiney thing too.]
Steve: please tell me how to get back on June C's blog....she is my fave, so funny I hope she writes a book....Dianne (Mimi)
I have a tripod you could borrow - or I've also worked as a photographer, and I'll work for beer...at least for this assignment.
If you read deep enough onto the kilt website, those manly kilts do come with a "modesty snap" for those men inclined to wear their kilts whilst working on ladders and such. I think that's mainly for the benefit those on ground below them, though.
Genial dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Thanks for taking the time to write, I never find time to write good posts on my blog ... I really appreciate your informative posts. Thanks!
Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your site and I've got to say that I have actually enjoyed reading your articles. I'll be subscribing to your feed anyway and I hope you'll post again soon. Big thanks for the helpful information.
I guess you'll want to get a facebook button to your website. I just bookmarked the blog, although I must do it by hand. Simply my $.02 :)
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