Thursday, February 26, 2009

Keep The Junk Coming

Has anyone else noticed a decline in junk mail? I sure have. I used to get all kinds of crap everyday. Now I get very few items, and most are bills. Every once in a while now, I will get nothing. What the heck?? I don't have time to check an empty mailbox!! I have a blog to write and....... well, I just don't like it. I need those cardboard credit cards for the kids. How is Kylie going to fake shop without a barrage of cardboard credit cards?? How do I know if I've been approved for the Super Saver Diamond Platinum Gold Reward Point Low APR Free Gift credit card, unless they tell me? Ummmm..... hellooooo.

I used to hate junk mail. Despised it. Thought of it merely as a waste of paper and resources. Can you imagine how much time and effort is spent on junk mail. It ticked me off. Until I met my buddy Gail. Now, I sign up for all I can.

You see, Gail, like my Uncle Don, retired from the post office. (Can you imagine how many miles they walked??) And I spent most of last winter remodeling the inside of her house. One day I was griping about junk mail when she pointed out, that's how the Post Office makes a hefty chunk of their budget. I never thought of it that way. It's like carpooling for letters. It just makes more sense that six letters pay the mailman to walk up my stairs to the mailbox than one. I get it. Didn't before, but I do now. He still has to walk my street whether he 10 letters or a hundred.

So, with the decline in junk mail, I imagine prices are going to go up soon again. How can we stop it? Get more junk mail. If you see a company offering some info, get it. Get all the junk mail you can, and recycle it. Shoot, I get AARP stuff at 36! I will probably never cancel it. I am going to save all my AARP info until I need it. They are earning my business one piece of junk mail at a time.


Sagey said...

And think about all the producers of junk mail employ. JOBS!!! Junk mail is a good thing. :-) I heard a rumor that the PO is thinking about cutting out 2 days of delivery, Saturday and Tuesday. It will be interesting to see if that happens but I would guess that would involve cutting more jobs.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could find the article, but there is a woman in Texas who saved all her junk mail from last year. She cut it into 1 of 2 inch long strips, and set each month's worth on a different shelf. She sold one of the shelf's for $10,000.


Anonymous said...

Found it!

6gsjs5s4 said...

Much like other unions in this country, I have little sympathy for them. I had a neighbor who moved to Arizona from NYC and made the same income as NY even though the cost of living was way lower. Of course, this was his "right" as a union member. Those are the kind of "benefits" that union workers get that end up costing the consumer.

Note to Steve: That "such a sweet girl" picture on your blog really creeps me out but I can't stop staring at it. Can you move it or soemthing? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out for Uncle Don. 37 years with the Post Office is quite the career. All that walking and fresh is the reason he is in such good health today. Now is likes to bike to infinity and beyond...
Yeah, that junk mail helps pay a much deserved pension. But don't forget to get your forever stamps before the price goes up. I think postage goes up again in May.
Have a happy day. Do Lent!
Aunt Barbara

Anonymous said...

I do my part by using Netflix and ordering online which brings lots of catalogs! Say, nice blog - must run in the family and we all would LOVE a podcast - you could even do a live video stream of the taping via for no charge. That would be great!

june cleaver said...

a live video stream... that may get us in trouble seeing as Steve likes to sit at his computer nekid. Don't go over to his house after 8pm-it will be your own fault.

Hey-like the music... sure is a lot of country (I threw up in my mouth a little) but the ONE Nickelback song saved you.

Anonymous said...

"It's carpooling for letters" gotta love it. Enjoying your blog Cousin Steve. Trying to give it up for Lent, trying. One year we gave usp Dunkin Donuts for Lent and the store closed!


June's MA

Anonymous said...

Cousin Steve,
I really like your playlist. Great tunes.

Anonymous said...

Cousin Steve nekid, hiliarious!
OMG that's so funny.
Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Have a great weekend...get some stay up way past bedtime blogging. ;)
Aunt Barbara

Sagey said...

Someone really needs to set Aunt Barbara up with a gmail account so she doesn't have to leave anonymous comments. :-)

june cleaver said...

Sagey, Aunt Barb would like to remain annonymous. She is in the witness protection program.


Anonymous said...

Cousin Steve ( Nephew Steve) I love junk mail. I have even returned sealed empty envelopes to many. I like to see anyone work hard at delivering mail.
Aunt Judi

Anonymous said...

You two (June and Cousin Steve) must had inherited the night owl from your Aunt Judi. Been at it for years.
Aunt Judi

Anonymous said...

Saturday we got a weeks worth of junk mail! Thank you to all the senders. Oh and thanks for all the address labels. We now have more that 6 lifetimes worth!
Aunt Barbara
But beware if anyone sends me an address label that says
Ms. goes straight to the shredder...and no offering will be sent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I say that nicely, I hope I was nice! :0
Aunt Barbara